What we do
We’re a socially broad and culturally diverse volunteer organisation who advocate, advise and support the AODTC and its participants. We fundraise to provide meaningful financial assistance where a scarcity of resources threatens to hinder a participant’s progress in the court’s life changing programme.
We fundraise for AODTC participants in areas not directly covered by the Court - where extra support is required - such as emergency dental work, funding the wonderful Clothing Angels personal care and clothing packs, tattoo removal and recovery literature for AODTC participants in custody.

We facilitate the AODTC bi-annual public graduation ceremonies which includes funding the mana building pounamu taonga each AODTC graduate receives.
We support Judges and other officials of the Court and work with other AODTC involved stakeholders and wrap-around services. The latter includes addiction treatment providers, recovery communities, parallel charities helping AODTC participants, the Police and legal professionals.
View the Te Hapori funded impact lab report highlighting the AODTC’s social value and social return on investment here